Broadcast-Specific Actions

On Step 6 of the Broadcast Creation Flow, you can configure the following:

  • Which Library Action folders are visible to your texting team

  • Which Library Action is set to the default folder

  • Create a NEW library action folder containing common responses or "macros" that only exist for conversations associated with the broadcast.

To try it out, click "Enable" and "Add Action" to open the Broadcast-Specific Action modal.

Create Actions

From here, you can create a library action just as you would in the Library Action tab. These actions will automatically be added to the Broadcast-Specific Action.

Agent POV

When your team receives inbound messages associated with the broadcast, the newly created library actions will show up in the sidebar! (see image 1)

Any folder that was permissioned for the broadcast will be accessible from the dropdown menu, and any folders de-permissioned will be inaccessible (see image 2)

Edit Broadcast-Specific Actions

If at any point after the broadcast is launched you need to modify the Library Action folder permissions or the Broadcast-Specific Actions themselves, you may do so by selecting the broadcast and clicking the Library tab!

Saving Broadcast-Specific Actions

The main way to save a Broadcast-Specific Action is to simply save the broadcast as a draft. You can also even just duplicate a broadcast that contains the Broadcast-Specific Actions you need. These can be useful techniques to templatize your broadcast so that you don't need to re-build them from scratch. Otherwise, Broadcast-Specific Actions are ephemeral, and will not show in your Library tab, as that is where you will want to maintain your persistent Library Actions.