09/10/2024 - Major Release

🚀  New :

  • Salesforce List Sync - Users now have the ability to sync Salesforce lists (campaigns, lists or reports).

  • Broadcast Queuing - Broadcast Queuing gives organizations the power to set up multiple broadcasts that will send in a predetermined order. Queuing is accessible in the In Progress tab for Broadcasts. Users can lower/raise the initializing and sending priorities of the broadcasts. Higher priority broadcasts will initialize and send sooner than the lower priority broadcasts.

  • Contact Opt Outs - Opt Outs initiated by carrier keyword now prevent communication across all current and future org channels. Also added an exportable opt out report to Spark under Contacts page that displays a summary of opt outs that were recorded during the month.

🔧  Fixes :

  • Better logging of unexpected upstream errors.

  • Fixed smart-links length calculation for segmentation estimates for some orgs.

  • Fixed long MMS filenames expanding due to character escaping.

  • Made performance improvements when searching broadcasts.

  • Fixed message whitespace trimming to match upstream.

  • Preserve draft names when creating real broadcast.

  • Better display of broadcasts with large counts.

  • Fixed api-key display to show all keys (over 20).

  • Better handling of contact list import tasks.

  • Fixed handling of large "Return Active to Inbox" requests.

  • Better automation and broadcast permissions.

  • API Key attribution display based on email address.

  • Fixed pagination in Classic Contacts Advanced search.